A quick update in response to the governments announcement as we move back up to Alert Level 3 from 12pm on Wednesday 12th August 2020.
We are expecting very high call volumes tomorrow (Wednesday), so please keep this in mind.
All appointments for tomorrow morning will continue as planned until 12pm, however we plan to move as many consults after this to phone or video consultation.
If you are unwell with a fever, cough, runny nose or other symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, please call Healthline on 0800 611 116, or present to a CBAC (Community Based Assessment Centre or swabbing clinic). The two nearest clinics are:
Whanau House, Waipareira Trust, Henderson - Corner of Edsel St & Catherine St Henderson - Open 8am-3pm, Monday to Friday
Northcote Community Testing Centre - 16-18 College Road, Northcote. Corner of College Road and Kilham Avenue. Entrance via College Road - Open 8am-3pm, Monday to Friday
Eden Terrace Community Testing Centre - 112 New North Road, Eden Terrace. Entrance via Ngahura Street - Open 8am-3pm, Monday to Friday
If you need a prescription request, please leave a phone message or fill out our Nurse Contact form. All scripts will now be faxed to your pharmacy of choice, so please specify this in your message. If you have more than 2 weeks supply of medication, please only request a repeat of your medications when you are in your final 2 weeks of supply.
We will continue to keep our website updated as the situation changes.