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  • Writer's pictureTorrance Merkle

As of 11:59pm Tuesday 17 August, Auckland has returned to Alert Level 4.

Our priority is your health and we will continue to provide medical care with most appointments being delivered by phone or video consultation. After a phone or video consultation, our team will decide if you need to be seen in the clinic and arrange this if required.

The front door will be locked so that only patients we are expecting will be allowed in.

Our clinic requires that all patients wear a mask on the premises during level 4 regardless of symptoms, young children are exempt. This is to protect the health and safety of our staff and other people in the clinic.

If you are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms including a fever, cough, runny nose or sore throat please stay at home and either call us to arrange for a phone/video appointment and swab (which we will be doing in the carpark between 12pm - 2pm), or go to a swabbing clinic:

Routine vaccination appointments can proceed but can be postponed.

If you need a repeat prescription, please leave a phone message or fill out our Nurse Contact form. All scripts will now be faxed to your pharmacy of choice, so please specify this in your message. The surcharge for faxing will be waived. If you have more than 2 weeks supply of medication, please only request a repeat of your medications when you are in your final 2 weeks of supply. We will continue to keep our website updated as the situation changes.

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  • Writer's pictureCole Rudolph

The flu vaccination is now available for ALL ages

Please be aware you need to have at least 2 weeks between the flu vaccination and the COVID-19 vaccination

Call us to arrange an appointment

09 416 8541

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  • Writer's pictureCole Rudolph

At Hobsonville Family Doctors we encourage all of our patients, that are eligible, to get the COVID-19 vaccination

Currently Waitemata DHB is arranging all COVID-19 vaccinations in our area and you will receive an invite from them directly when it is your turn

If you have any questions about the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Auckland please visit the following website

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