Hours this week continue to be our Level 3 hours:
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 12pm
We have switched computer systems this weekend! After 24 years using Profile for Mac, we are finally moving to Indici. Please be kind to us as we learn our way around this new system!
Benefits to you include a Patient Portal, where you will be able to see test results, request repeat prescriptions, book appointments and pay online.
We will inform you when this is fully functional and available to use.

We are delighted to welcome Dr Carolyn Bulman, joining us this week after recently moving to New Zealand from Canada.
She will be replacing Dr Hanneke Molthof, who is sadly moving back home to the Netherlands.

Also joining us this week is Morgan Ely, our new Health Improvement Practitioner (HIP). Morgan has a background in Social Work, and will be helping support any of our patients who have got 'stuck' with any physical or mental health concern.
In Level 3, Morgan will only be seeing clients by video or phone consult, but you are sure to meet her in Level 2.
Consults with Morgan are fully funded, with no patient co-payment.